
Spiral showtimes
Spiral showtimes


In keeping with the melodramatic storytelling approach of the franchise, Rock's detective character Zeke, is loaded up with backstory: He's hated by his fellow cops for being a "rat," he's divorced, and his dad (Samuel L.

spiral showtimes


On a basic plot level, Spiral resembles Seven, a movie that informed Wan and Whannell's original Saw way back in 2004. Rock plays a detective in the nameless city where the Saw franchise takes place and he finds himself hunting down a killer intent on using elaborate death traps to murder police officers. Largely free from the mythology of the original series, Spiral is essentially a police procedural about a Jigsaw copycat. He actually died at the end of Saw III, but Bell kept popping up in the series through the power of wild plotting and copycat killers. There's very little tricky chronology here. Jigsaw, the ethics-obsessed killer played with an unsettling blankness by Tobin Bell, is dead and out of the picture. Though the Saw series, created by James Wan and Leigh Whannell, is often celebrated (and lightly teased) for its narrative complexity, packed with dense flashbacks and bizarre twists, the latest Saw movie is relatively straightforward: Spiral takes place after the other eight Saw movies. When does Spiral take place in the Saw timeline?


We've seen the movie and are here to offer some guidance on how to navigate the "twisted" world of Spiral. If you're nervous about the Saw franchise's reputation as a delivery system for gore-filled "torture porn," Spiral might look like a nightmare. But what about everyone else? If you like Chris Rock and enjoy horror movies, Spiral might look fun, a mix of comedy and scares with some social commentary thrown in. (Don't worry: It's John Kramer and Billy the Puppet, respectively.)įor the Saw faithful, Spiral is a no-brainer. Reportedly, Rock is a fan of the series and chatted with a Lionsgate executive at a wedding in Brazil, and now, after COVID-related delays, the film is arriving in theaters with the difficult task of both reinvigorating the franchise and bringing in new viewers who might not even know Jigsaw's real name or his puppet's name. Yes, that Saw, known for that little puppet guy, the tape-recorded messages, and the scenes of bodily mutilation where victims get tossed in needle piles and deformed by bear traps. Or maybe it's a David Fincher movie? But then you look close and notice the subtitle: Spiral: From the Book of Saw. Wait, Saw? Like the grungy, nu-metal-y horror franchise from the '00s? After all, Rock just appeared in Season 4 of Fargo.

spiral showtimes


Jackson against a fog-drenched city street, you might assume Spiral, a serial killer thriller debuting in theaters this weekend, was a prestige crime drama airing on HBO or FX. If you only caught a glimpse of its stark, minimalist poster, which highlights the names of stars Chris Rock and Samuel L.

Spiral showtimes